Tenjin has partnered with GameAnalytics to release its Q3 2022 report on the hyper-casual games marketplace. The study includes data on CPI, a comparison of Android and iOS marketplaces, retention, and more.

Read the original Tenjin and GameAnalytics report here.

Android gained seven percentage points in ad spending and revenue distribution compared to Q1 2022. Today the ratio of Android to iOS is 57% to 43%, respectively.

Source: Tenjin

From 2018 to 2022, the average CPI difference between Android and iOS was $0.15. Today, the ratio is $0.10, indicating increased competition on Android.

Side note: Global report on app marketing for H1 2022 — The state of mobile game and app markets.

Source: Tenjin

The U.S., Japan, Brazil, South Korea, and the U.K. lead Android ad spending. For iOS, the list of leaders is as follows: U.S., Japan, U.K., China and Canada.

According to Tenjin, the U.S. leads in median CPI for Android and iOS at $0.56 and $0.71, respectively.

Source: Tenjin
Source: Tenjin

The top 5 largest ad networks by ad spend for Android are AppLovin, Google Ads, Mintegral, Unity Ads and ironSource. For iOS, the list is as follows: AppLovin, Mintegral, ironSource, Google Ads, and Unity Ads. Mintegral has the lowest CPI on Android at $0.08. On iOS, Unity Ads leads with $0.15.

Source: Tenjin
Source: Tenjin

According to GameAnalytics, retention between D1 and D7 is higher on iOS than on Android. The top 25% of games on iOS have 33% retention in D1 and 9% in D7. By comparison, on Android, retention at D1 is 26%, and D7 is 5%.
