Learn how gaming app developer APPS increased, D28 ROAS to 107%, and high-level completion rate by 2x with the help of Adjust and AppSamurai.

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About APPS and AppSamurai

APPS is a game company that develops and publishes mobile gaming apps played by millions monthly. The company specializes in hyper-casual and hybrid-casual games. Their most popular game, “Fashion Battle – Dress up game,”  has now reached over 100million installs. They also boast a new hybrid-casual game, “Drill & Collect – Idle Miner,” with more than 8 million installs, and “A Word,” with more than 20 million installs.

AppSamurai is a one-stop-shop AdTech platform that combines machine learning and targeted strategies to connect apps with relevant audiences efficiently. It creates tailored mobile growth strategies for higher ROAS and simplifies campaign management. Specializing in mobile games, it offers unique campaigns like Rewarded Playtime to enhance player retention and LTV.

The challenge

APPS aimed to boost session lengths and drive more in-app purchases (IAPs) for their game Drill and Collect. To do so, they needed robust analytics to reach the right audience. This led them to seek the expertise of mobile measurement partner (MMP) Adjust and mobile user acquisition platform AppSamurai for advanced targeting and analytics solutions.

The solution

First, the team endeavored to reach engaged mobile gamers through the ‘rewarded playtime’ user acquisition (UA) model, also known as the ‘play-to-earn’ model. This model rewards players based on their session length, encouraging dedicated users to immerse themselves in the game.

AppSamurai’s team of growth consultants planned a variety of campaign strategies to help APPS reach their cost-per-action (CPA) KPI while yielding a strong return on ad spend (ROAS). This was achieved through precise demographic targeting of the audience.

In conjunction, APPS leveraged Adjust’s ad spend automation tool to significantly enhance the efficiency of their marketing optimization. This tool allowed APPS to leverage powerful rules to automatically update campaign bids and budgets based on their specific ROAS targets, enabling them to optimize spend instantly and free up valuable resources.

Moreover, Adjust’s next-generation tools provided the detailed analytics and reporting APPS needed in order to reach the right audience. APPS was able to leverage Adjust to gain deep insights into the performance of their campaigns, identifying which strategies are most effective and where adjustments are needed. This continuous feedback loop is crucial for fine-tuning campaign strategies to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.

Our requirements have evolved over time, and Adjust has been with us for every step of that journey. Their sophisticated targeting and analytics solutions have allowed us to reach and engage the right audience effectively throughout industry changes.

Aleyna Cerrah, UA Manager, APPS

The results

With the help of Adjust and AppSamurai, APPS was able to:

  • Elevate D28 ROAS to 107%.
  • Increase higher-level completion rate by 2x.

These outstanding results have presented APPS with a strategic opportunity to captivate and engage players for sustainable, scalable success.

Attribution is the key factor for our UA optimizations. We love being able to create a report in two to three clicks. Plus, the Adjust dashboard is so easy to use, and we receive data fast!

Aleyna Cerrah, UA Manager, APPS
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