The year may be winding down for the holidays, but there’s no pause button on creativity when it comes to hype-rcasual game development. Join the Kwalee Game Jam to celebrate all the great work of indie developers this year! 

Ever felt like you could develop a chart-topping mobile game and entertain millions of players? From 1st to 15th December, you get the perfect opportunity to show your creativity.

And it’s super easy to participate; anyone can join the jam, from anywhere in the world, so long as they can either put together a simple playable prototype or some 15-second gameplay videos! 

The experienced publishing team of Kwalee will judge all the submissions by their creativity and quality of execution. The developer of the game with the highest score will receive tickets, flights and accommodation for a Pocket Gamer Connects event 2022. We’ll even meet you there, treat you to a nice dinner and chat about all things gamedev!


On top of that, a handful of favourite submissions will net their developers a free, exclusive workshop with a Kwalee Publishing Manager where you’ll get insider info on how to take your games to the next level!

And all this is without even addressing the obvious: testing your hype-rcasual game in the Kwalee portal at any time could be the first step towards a lucrative publishing deal with us that will keep you earning for months and years from your game’s success. Doing it during game jam is no different, only you get the chance to grab extra rewards too!

All it takes is to simply sign up to the publishing portal, where you’ll upload your hyper-casual jam entry. Just click the link, punch in the details and Bob’s your uncle! The whole process takes minutes.

Remember, the jam runs from 1st December to 15th December, so make sure you’re all geared up to submit your game before the deadline. Registrations are open until 23:59 on the last day of the jam

Need some tips on making a game in a short timeframe? Kwalee got you covered with the ultimate guide to game jam development! 48 hours is enough to make a killer prototype, as some past successes have proven, so there’s no need to worry about not having enough time!

We’re not looking for polish, just simple, creative gameplay that’s unbelievably fun.

Kwalee team

See you there and happy jamming!

