How to find a publisher for mobile games who will bring your project to the top? Mobile games have become a billion-dollar industry, so it’s unsurprising that many developers are eager to publish their games on mobile platforms. However, not all developers have the resources or expertise to promote and distribute their games effectively, so mobile game publishers come to the rescue.

A mobile game publisher can provide valuable support to developers by performing tasks such as marketing, game distribution, and monetization. However, choosing the right publisher can be a challenge, and the success or failure of a game can depend on it. Here are some tips on how to find a mobile game publisher!

Define your game’s target audience

Before approaching any publishers, you must define your game’s target audience. Knowing your audience will help you narrow down your search for a publisher. For example, if your game is aimed at casual gamers, you should look for publishers specializing in that genre.

Research potential publishers

Research is essential when looking for a publisher. You should compile a list of potential publishers and research their history, reputation, and track record. You can also look for feedback from other developers who have worked with them.

Side note: How to become a mobile game developer?

Как стать разработчиком мобильных игр?

Consider the publisher’s portfolio

A publisher’s portfolio is a great way to determine their expertise and experience. Look for publishers with a proven track record of publishing successful mobile games similar to yours. This will give you an idea of the publisher’s strengths and how they can help you.

Check the publisher’s distribution network

When looking for a mobile game publisher, it is essential to check their distribution network. You want a publisher that has a broad reach and can distribute your game to as many platforms as possible. The more platforms your game is available on, the better your chances of success.

How to find a publisher for mobile games?

Understand the publisher’s marketing strategy

Marketing is critical to the success of any mobile game, so it is essential to understand the publisher’s marketing strategy. Find out how they plan to market your game and whether they have unique marketing tactics to help it stand out.

Look for a publisher with a fair revenue-sharing model

When working with a publisher, you will need to share revenue, so finding a publisher with a fair revenue-sharing model is essential. Look for publishers offering a transparent revenue-sharing model and ensure you understand the terms before signing any contracts.

Attend conferences to find a publisher for mobile games

Attend conferences, events, and summits for game developers, especially mobile. An example is the Hyper Games Conference, which will be held April 27-28 in Turkey, and the Hyper Games Conference Summit.

Visiting conferences is an essential part of professional development for game developers. You will have the opportunity to meet representatives of publishing companies and agree on a co-release of the game. You will be able to discuss all your questions and present your game.

Consider the publisher’s support and communication

Finally, it is essential to consider the publisher’s support and communication. You want a publisher that will support you throughout the development and publishing process and communicate effectively with you. Look for a publisher that offers regular updates and feedback and is willing to work collaboratively with you.

So, how to find a publisher for mobile games?

In conclusion, finding the right mobile game publisher requires careful research and consideration. By defining your target audience, researching potential publishers, checking their portfolio and distribution network, understanding their marketing strategy, looking for a fair revenue-sharing model, and considering their support and communication, you can find the right publisher for your game and increase your chances of success in the highly competitive mobile gaming industry.

You can find a publisher we cooperate with if you follow this link

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