Mintegral has shared information on how to create exciting advertising for their game. So, what strategies should you use to optimize your advertising costs? We selected the most important ones from the original post.

Players are looking for a good level of storytelling and a rich visual style in games. In response, studios are becoming savvier in ad-based monetization methods.

The right advertising

Advertising doesn’t have to be a ‘one-way street’, and more often than not, the most successful advertising formats have a deep understanding of users and their interactions. However, the effectiveness of your advertising will often depend on how relevant it is to the players.

Optimization of ad placements is important to ensure that the user is playing simultaneously and that the ad doesn’t get in the way. For example, games benefit significantly by offering users rewards to view the ads. Therefore, it is essential to understand where to place these reward ads. In terms of monetization, allowing users to extend gameplay, in turn, leads to longer sessions and a high LTV. These ads can be placed at the end of a level. It is profitable.

Pre-launch and what to look out for in A/B testing

Before launching your ads, you need to test the scripts. Creative content only goes so far if it doesn’t pay attention to devices – such as notifications and download speeds. All of this can lead to erroneous clicks, which will significantly reduce conversion rates.

Once these potential problems have been fixed and your ads are published, it’s important to perform A/B testing and get a detailed testing strategy in place. In particular, see how the ad performs in each region you consider for release. Don’t test too many variables in the same campaign simultaneously, as this will make it difficult to understand what resonates with your audience.

Getting value out of advertising

A playable ad is a scaled-down version of your game that gives users a chance to interact with some core concepts.

“Dynamic Creative Optimization” (DCO) gives advertisers a degree of automation, allowing them to customize their ads based on A/B testing data. In addition, DCO is a technology previously seen only in intrusive advertising formats.

Advertisers can focus on targeted elements such as – combat, skins, etc. These elements are crucial when you scale your game for different regions, such as East Asia, where localization goes beyond simple language translation.

Conversion and performance after installation

From the start of the campaign, you will have a target and a return on investment. However, it’s important to note that the way you approach your ads will directly impact your results. For example, if your ad requires an artistic licence and differs significantly from the original gameplay, you will see high conversion rates but low retention rates on days 3 and 7. Ads that match the gameplay tend to get higher retention rates but more down conversions.

From a user perspective, ads should be injected directly into the gameplay without interfering with the gameplay experience. A critical mistake is showing too many ads.

Keeping players engaged will reduce churn and increase retention beyond the 30-day mark. Your ability to combine data-driven analytics with multimedia will determine how well this will work.
